Kevin Costner stars as a single father who moves his two children to rural South Carolina, only to watch his daughter exhibit increasingly strange behavior.
A beautiful woman working for a crew that uses parkour to pull of major heists helps a New York bicycle messenger who's in hot water with a group of gangsters.
Prompted by a question from his young daughter, comic Chris Rock sets out to explore the importance of hair in black culture. Rock interviews celebrities such as Ice-T and Raven Symone, and visits hair salons, stylist competitions and even an Indian temple to learn about hair culture.
After her husband loses his job, upper-crust housewife Bridget Cardigan (Diane Keaton) is forced to take a job as a janitor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Mo. Spotting a weakness in the bank's security system, Bridget convinces her two new friends Nina (Queen Latifah) and Jackie (Katie Holmes) to help her steal a fortune in worn-out bills that have been earmarked for destruction.

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